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M2 custom store display

Explore a World of Vaping Excellence at M2 Display’s E-Cigarettes Store

Riccardo, an established brand in the vaping industry since 2011, started as a small online shop and later expanded to physical stores. With the booming success of their simple and practical store design, Riccardo sought to upgrade their store concept in 2017. M2 Display had the privilege of meeting the Riccardo team in 2018 to discuss their expansion plans. This article details our collaboration and the remarkable e-cigarettes store we created for Riccardo in Hamburg in 2019.


Embracing Riccardo’s Vision: Creating a Consistent Store Experience

M2 Display understood the importance of creating a consistent store experience that aligned with Riccardo’s vision. With our expertise in retail design, we collaborated closely with the Riccardo team to understand their brand identity and desired customer experience. By studying their existing store in Hamburg, we gained valuable insights into their upgraded store design. Our goal was to create an e-cigarettes store that reflected Riccardo’s values and provided customers with a seamless and immersive shopping experience. Trust M2 Display to bring your vision to life and create a store that captivates and delights customers.


Designing for Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness: Modular Sections

M2 Display addressed the challenge of convenience and cost-effectiveness by designing the e-cigarettes store with modular sections. Our engineers utilized the commonly used and cost-effective board size of 1220x2440mm, maximizing the use of cabinets without waste. Each section was carefully crafted, such as a wall cabinet of 1200x400x2400mm and a work table of 1200x600x1200mm. This modular design allows for rapid store setup and flexibility in adjusting the store size as needed. With M2 Display’s innovative approach, you can have an e-cigarettes store that is both convenient and cost-effective.


Seamless Installation and Maintenance: A Superior Store Structure

M2 Display prioritized seamless installation and maintenance in the design of Riccardo’s e-cigarettes store. Our team ensured that the store structure was easy to assemble, disassemble, and repair, minimizing any disruptions to the store operations. With our meticulous planning and labor-saving installation and transportation plan, we delivered a store structure that exceeded expectations. The superior quality of our materials and craftsmanship ensures that the store maintains its impeccable appearance, allowing Riccardo to focus on providing excellent customer service. Trust M2 Display to create a store that is not only visually appealing but also easy to maintain.



Immerse yourself in a world of vaping excellence at M2 Display’s e-cigarettes store. Our collaboration with Riccardo resulted in a remarkable store design that reflects their vision and provides a consistent and immersive shopping experience. With modular sections designed for convenience and cost-effectiveness, our e-cigarettes store offers flexibility and rapid setup capabilities. Our superior store structure ensures seamless installation and maintenance, allowing Riccardo to focus on delivering exceptional customer service.

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